Auditions: The Asheville ballet
This spring, The Asheville Ballet is thrilled to be staging the ballet Carmen, which we last produced in 2011. On Sunday, February 2, the Asheville Ballet, North Carolina’s oldest non-profit ballet company, will hold Carmen Auditions at our newly-reopened studio at 4 Weaverville Hwy, Asheville, NC 28804.
There will be roles for dancers ages 10 and up. There will be roles for non-dancing child/teen/adult performers (also ages 10+) for two crowd scenes. All genders are welcome. Styles are not limited to classical Ballet. Adult female dancers may audition en Pointe.

Audition Schedule:
2:30-3:00pm for dancers ages 10 – Seventh Grade. This audition will be in flat shoes.
3:00-6:00pm for dancers Eighth Grade – senior adult (including all intermediate advanced teens and adults and all professionals). Auditions will begin with a Ballet technique class (if you are a beginner, and unsure, email us to ask advice). Adult female dancers may be asked to put on Pointe shoes, if they wish.
Please fill out the audition form in advance of the audition: (Even if you have to leave measurement info blank and send us a follow-up email once you know it, you should submit your audition form as early as you can, to facilitate the info going to every artistic team member and choreographer in advance.)
Audition fee is $10, payable via cash or check to The Asheville Ballet.
Please note that the auditions will be filmed so that material may be reviewed by the choreographers.
Parts are available for all dancers from all regional studios for ages 10 to senior adults. Rehearsals may begin as soon as the weekend immediately following the audition.
All performers must be taking at least two technique classes per week, at any studio, at least one of which should be Ballet. If you’d like to enroll for classes at Asheville Academy of Ballet and Contemporary Dance, you can email us or enroll from our website ( We will be opening for classes in the next couple weeks!
Please plan to arrive a bit early to find parking. Please wash your hands and remove your street shoes before going into the studio. The audition is closed to parents and observers, but family members may come inside to use the restrooms.
Remember, fill out your audition form in advance of the audition date:
For information email us at Carmen will be held at Diana Wortham Theatre at the Wortham Center Friday and Saturday, May 16th and 17th, at 7:30pm.
Regularly scheduled rehearsals begin as early as February 7 and run Fridays between 4:00-9:00pm and/or Saturdays between 2:30-8:30pm (plan on possibly both), and will include some Sunday afternoon rehearsals for certain. Mandatory rehearsals include tech week Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, May 13, 14, 15, from 4:00-8:00pm; plus studio dress rehearsal weekend Friday, Saturday, Sunday, May 9, 10, 11; plus some Sundays, including April 27, May 4, and May 11 (other Sundays may be used, depending on roles). (See attached Carmen contract for more details.)
Image by Mario Marin.
The Asheville Ballet auditions dancers on a show-to-show basis and often invites selected performers to continue performing in future productions throughout the year. We offer a number of paid adult professional dancing positions as well as college apprenticeships.
Please email us or call our studio office at (828)252-4761 with any questions. We also accept emailed video/headshot/dance shot/resume submissions to
We will review your material and contact you promptly!

In addition, students from both the Asheville Academy of Ballet and Contemporary Dance as well as other studios in the Western North Carolina region are cast both in ensemble and soloists roles in our productions. In other words, you do not have to be a student attending classes with the Asheville Academy of Ballet and Contemporary Dance to perform with us. We are delighted to include the entire community in their passion to perform, both professional and student alike. All that we ask is that students are taking at least two dance technique classes per week, somewhere, in order to maintain the high-caliber of artistry that we have become so known for.